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Bodywaves Yoga

There is a host of classes to "rent" on the ON DEMAND library.

Alternatively if you wish to access some classes for free, see my YouTube Channel searching Christie Petrucha-Rourke and there are plenty there too.


HOTPOD YOGA            

Catch me there Mondays at 9.30am 

*bookable via hotpod worthing 


Thursday 7pm (60min classes) at Marine Gardens West Worthing. Bookable online or message me directly to check on the day for weather                                        

RUNS June-Sept  bring your own mat or enjoy the grass £10

Cancellation Policy

24 hours notice to reschedule your class if you cannot attend. This is to ensure others can get a spot if required. Thank you

Bodywaves. c/o Offington Osteopath Clinic, 7 Offington Lane, Worthing, BN14 9RY. Call: 07821740166
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