Soul Realignment
Soul Realignment looks at finding you Divine Soul Blueprint in the Akashic Records. By uncovering our soul's unique divine gifts we can start to align our choices with these to create the life we want and deserve. In being in alignment we can create more abundance and choose what is right for us on a soul level. By being in harmony we will naturally experience more ease in life, more joy, more love, more balance. Dare I say more satisfaction and happiness.
We also look at what past (and past life) choices we have made that may be blocking us now from living in our Divine Soul Blueprint and being the best, most aligned version of ourselves.
We have the power to create and with all the Universal life force Energy available to us we can live more aligned and conscious in our choices, allowing us to create the life we came here to live.
This work is aimed to help you transform areas of your life and I will help you become more accountable for changing choices made in past and this life that are not in alignment with who you are at soul level.
Property clearing can also be done through the akashic records, get in touch for more information.
"I am still amazed by that reading....A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!! It literally has blown my mind how you just needed my full name, place of birth and date of birth. Insanely accurate! I mean, you really do barely know me, yet you’ve been able to tell me all about me and pin point significant times in my life and it is like you have known me for years!! Just incredible and I cannot wait to get started on clearing :) " AM - Worthing
"I am still amazed by that reading....A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!! It literally has blown my mind how you just needed my full name, place of birth and date of birth. Insanely accurate! I mean, you really do barely know me, yet you’ve been able to tell me all about me and pin point significant times in my life and it is like you have known me for years!! Just incredible and I cannot wait to get started on clearing :) " AM - Worthing

To book see the booking page or email me ( I simply need your permission to read the records and your name, name at birth and date and place of birth.
Readings will discover your soul's origination, divine soul blueprint (gifts and talents at soul level) and how your soul is evolving. A snapshot of who you are at soul level.
Then we find the blocks and restrictions that are standing in your way from living a soul led life in alignment with your divine soul blueprint. Past and present life blocks and restrictions that are draining your vital force energy. Any attaching souls, or negative karmic patterns that need clearing, this where the transformational work begins and you can free yourself of past choices that do not fit you as a soul.
(Level 2 readings coming soon. Adding in life lessons and chakra readings from the Akashic Records.)