Sports Massage
Sports Massage should play an important part in the life of any sportsman or woman, and those who are less active too. It is beneficial for every body!
Massage has a number of benefits both physical, physiological and psychological. It can help maintain the body, prevent injuries and loss of range of movement, restore mobility to injured muscle tissue, boost performance and give a feeling of general well being, loosening tight muscles.
Benefits include
Fluid Movement
Stretching of tissues
Breaking down scar tissue
Removing lactic acid and promoting recovery
Improvement of range of movement due to muscle tightness
Increasing micro-circulation
Pain reduction
Boost well being
Thai Massage Experience
Fully clothed and no oil used;
What a beautiful practice this is. Sharing Loving Kindness through touch. This experience is like no other. When you learn to be fully present to receive and relax and surrender, the magic truly happens. A more eastern tradition and way of working on the body as a whole to give an overall treatment allowing the receiver to let go and bring about more relaxation to muscles and the body as well as the mind (the bonus perhaps!?!?).
This therapy is remarkable at creating space for relaxation, rejuvenation and recovery for the physical, mental and emotional bodies.
I love to add Reiki healing into giving this treatment if this is something you would like just mention it at your appointment, if you would prefer not of course that is also ok.
Prices start from £60
Currently only available on special request availability relies on hire of studio space.