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Yoga means union


I am a strong believer in union of the body and mind, using techniques and Yoga practices for injury and pain to treat not only the physical but the mind too.

Booking a 1:2:1 will mean we can focus on what would be good for your body and what might need avoiding with certain injuries and pathologies. But yoga really is for every BODY :) 

Yoga, Meditation and Pranayama

1:1 Yoga, Meditation or pranayama taught online, in your own home or mine, or outdoors.

Small group classes also available and studio hire available on request.

See instagram and facebook for updated classes, summer outdoor classes offered, get in touch for up to date days and times. Online booking available via the bookings page

Ashtanga, Vinyasa and Yin yoga taught. All aspects of meditation and breathing to help

with the physical and emotional mind and body connection.

Corporate work available on request.

Bodywaves Yoga


It's a long and often heart-breaking road. What we need to remember is that we are built for this, engineered for awakening, designed to have experiences that break our heart, not in two, but wide open

From a beautiful teacher's teacher x

For up to date classes and cover information please see
BodywavesMindBodySoul on Facebook
Plus join the private group Bodywaves Yoga Mind Body Soul
BodywavesMindBodySoul on Instagram
To book or speak to me regarding corporate/wellness events or visits, 1:2:1 or group classes please email or call or text below:   
07821 740166
Bodywaves. c/o Offington Osteopath Clinic, 7 Offington Lane, Worthing, BN14 9RY. Call: 07821740166
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